Winter 2024 Beekeeping Class

Class Dates: March 4, 11, 18, 25,  -April 1, 8, 2024

Time: 6:30pm - 8:30pm

Total Cost: $150

6 Classes: Online

2 Hands-On Workshops: One day each weekend of April 13/14 and April 20/21 - exact days, times, and locations pending weather.

Instructor: Bill Whitney, 630-660-9846

All classes will be conducted online through Zoom. Everyone gets a chance to ask questions and receive answers. If the class size gets to large we'll offer an additional evening per week.

One of two hands on learning opportunities.

Whether you have kept bees for many years, 1 or 2 years or haven’t started yet, this beekeeping course is designed to assist you on your personal beekeeping journey. Each honey bee colony has its own personality and needs. Each beekeeper is equally unique. Our class format is designed to assist you personally.  Honey bees experience life differently than us. We will look at how they experience life throughout the year. You will become acquainted with how they make decisions in each season. This insight will lead you a better understanding of their problems, while giving you tools for evaluating advice. The class is here to help you, so bring lots of questions. All of them will be addressed.

A queen preparing to lay an egg

Ask Google or any beekeeper a question and you can expect a million or so answers. We aren’t lacking information for successful beekeeping. You can read three different solutions to a problem. All three can be correct, yet none of them may be appropriate for you. It is difficult deciphering all this advice. It takes a lifetime of experience to fully grasp the complex social structure of honey bees and another lifetime finding good solutions to address the countless situations they find themselves in! Using the collective experience from knowledgeable beekeepers can be an essential ingredient for your success.  A six week course can’t possibly address all that you’ll encounter. Instead, we provide guiding insights so you can evaluate this information. That way, you can make the best decisions possible.

Working some of the 150 bee hives we moved to Florida for an early spring