On January 15th there were 112 Hives at this location. The picture links below show some of the  Bee Buddy hives in this yard that made it to Florida. The remaining were taken to Georgia.

The following links display a picture of some of our Bee Buddy Hives in Florida. Not all of the Bee Buddy colonies have names nor did they all make it to Florida. We were warned to bring only our strongest colonies to Florida. Many of the commercial bee hives from the east coast over winter in Florida before heading to the California Almond Pollination event. With so many colonies in close quarters during a time when there is a lack of flowers sets up a perfect storm for strong colonies robbing out the weaker ones. Fortunately, we heeded that advice. Heard many horror stories from other beekeepers not so lucky.

NOTE: :The Hanson Honey Hive is our strongest colony. We taped the lid on it because it warped a little and made it difficult for the bees to defend. Before the tape job there were a large cluster of bees covering the hole.

Hanson Honey Hive Cookie PICTURE
Bee Buddy Denise Nolan PICTURE
Nectar Collector Magnolia Honey Comb PICTURE
Millefiori Bloom PICTURE
Stephanie Kopas PICTURE
Golden Glow Mara PICTURE
Michael Beaman PICTURE
Bee Buddy Steven Kopas PICTURE
Richard Lazarski PICTURE
Bee Buddy Arrol Avdyli PICTURE
Noah Trillia PICTURE
A Cup Of Joe Gabby Villarreal PICTURE
Bee Prosperous Bee-atrice PICTURE
Weezee's Bees Myrna Beezee PICTURE
Honey Bee Honey Bee PICTURE
Caplitolina Lupercal PICTURE
Bee Buddy Randi Murawski PICTURE
The Bee Gees Beeyonce PICTURE
Bee-Sangha Heema PICTURE
Game Of Drones Mary PICTURE
Michael Taylor PICTURE
Bee Yourself Stairs PICTURE
House Taregaryen Daenerys PICTURE
Trillium Blossom PICTURE