We are still observing Covid-19 class protocols. All classes will be conducted online through Zoom. We are limiting the class sizes to 15 so everyone will have a chance to ask questions and have them answered. More dates will come available as enrollment increases.
Whether you have kept bees for many years, 1 or 2 years or haven't started yet, this beekeeping course is designed to assist you on your personal beekeeping journey. Each honey bee colony has it's own personality and needs. Each beekeeper is equally unique. Our class format is designed to assist you personally. Honey bees experience life differently then us. We will look at how honey bees experience life throughout the year and become acquainted with how they make decisions in each season. This insight will lead to solutions you will use to address their issues. This class is here to help you so bring lots of questions. All of them will be addressed.
Type any beekeeping question into Google and receive an offer for one million or so pages on the subject. We aren't lacking information for successful beekeeping. This can make it hard to decipher what is correct for your honey bees. You can read three completely different solutions to a problem and all three are correct with good advice to boot but none of them may be appropriate for your bees. It takes a life time of experience to fully grasp the complex social structure of honey bees and how to address the countless situations they find themselves in. A 6 week course can't possibly address all of those situations. Instead we provide guiding insights for you to use as you hack your way through to the best solutions on your journey.
While visiting honey bee concepts, there will be opportunities for hands on learning, you'll learn what it takes to become a sustainable beekeeper, you'll get to see how to make your own quality queens, you can confidently help your bees stay healthy all year, and of course you'll dig deeper into knowing and controlling your enemy Varroa Destructor.